Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life as we know it!

Here's a few pictures from the last year of our life. We've done OUR unthinkable. We have together survived nearly 365 days, a complete year without Blake, my soulmate and Garnett's Daddy. It hasn't been easy or even remotely enjoyable. The past year has been the hardest year of my life, I don't imagine the next will be easy but worth living through.

October: To be honest I have no idea what we did the entire month, I do know Garnett was an alligator for Halloween.

November: Celebrated Garnett's 1st Thanksgiving home and our 1st without Daddy Blake.
December: Christmas, G's 1st spent at home. Our home was quite, still and simple. Chirstmas wasn't Christmas without Daddy Blake.
January: The entire month Garnett
dressed at a SUPER SUPER HERO and we got a new friend, Odie! From the moment Garnett laid eyes on "Owie" he was in love. They were inseperable!

February: We spent a few weeks in Orlando with a friend, played with "Owie" and momma got to enjoy a nigh to herself on the waterfront.

March: We made a 14 hour drive home to attend a memorial service for Daddy Blake. While there we enjoyed sometime revisiting our old home and friends.
April: This may have been the 1st month that I can recall events that occured without looking at pictures or videos. April was filled with many doctor visits for Garnett, long waits on momma's end and Garnett mastered his balance bike :)

May: May and its MADNESS!!! May was a busy month, a month of new beginning. Garnett and I started what I guess you would call therapy, there was Easter, and Garnett LIVED in his pool. May was a rather difficult month.

June: June was just June, another day, another month, we survived. June also held Father's Day.

July: July 1st would have been Daddy Blake's 26th Birthday. Garnett spent many hours playing with water beads. More mornings then not we went to the pier for an early morning run and then stopped by the fountain were Garnett just had to put his feet in. Garnett also discovered that veggie sandwiches are pretty tasty.

August: August was an ugly month. We spent more time away from home then we did home. I believe we were both thankful to see August end. "Owie" journeyed onward, Garnett discovered the art of dress-up, we spent several nights at the pier and many mornings playing with "street paint".

September: What a month and its only half over. Garnett has enjoyed driving his tractor through our neighborhood, playing in the rain, riding his bike for hours and we spent a few days in the hospital.

Here's to another year. Many memories. Lots of laughs. Most of all hoping we both find peace, balance, happiness and light.



  1. Very sad. Rest in peace sweet boy. I hope whoever is responsible rots in hell

  2. The moment I saw the photo of the dog, I feared she would kill it. "Owie journeyed onward", huh? The dog looked scared in the photos.

    1. Wow yeah I was thinking the same thing.. They got the dog in January and then he "journeyed onward" in August! So a brand new dog only lasted 7 month's? And she didn't think to mention what happened to him.. She's a sick individual. (Btw I guess by journying onward she means dying bc when her son died she said Garnett journeyed onward. )

    2. Wow yeah I was thinking the same thing.. They got the dog in January and then he "journeyed onward" in August! So a brand new dog only lasted 7 month's? And she didn't think to mention what happened to him.. She's a sick individual. (Btw I guess by journying onward she means dying bc when her son died she said Garnett journeyed onward. )

  3. How did "daddy Blake" die? And reading this blog now, this lady is practically screaming for attention. And why does her son look like a girl? Especially with the ponytail. This looks like a case of Munchausen by proxy.

    1. Also, what's with the pacifier and diapers? Clearly a VERY disturbed "mom".

    2. This child appears to be a girl in the photos. Dr.Drew show says the dad had nothing to do with them. She calls a dead man the dad. May this child RIP and God have mercy on a very sick mother's soul.

    3. Dr drew is wrong. The real daddy wanted G but lacey kept telling him that it wasnt his. She wouldnt let him have nothing to do with G and she packed up from bama and moved to florida. She made this cop blake up for sympathy. O im a single mother with a sick child please feel bad for me and donate. After G died the real dad wrote her on fb and she started texting him how she needs him because THEIR son died. But the whole dead cop name blake who.died in a car crash from Decatur Al is false. Lacey got pregnant on purpose. She told me she did. She wanted a son and she got what she wanted and destroyed him

    4. He was 3 when this was blogged. But she did breast feed him the whole time.

    5. She always wanted a son but dressed him to look like a girl? Just crazy.

    6. She always wanted a son but dressed him to look like a girl? Just crazy.

    7. I'm watching it on Web of Lies right now and I'm beyond disgusted. That poor child did NOT ask to be brought into this world. They should've done unto her as she done unto that baby!! 20 years is a slap on the damn wrist!

    8. I just finished watching it too and am at a loss for words ! I hate her

    9. Just watched it too... I hope those women that miss their babies torture her every single breath... I don't care what she is diagnosed with.. Every one with that "disease" needs to be put down and rid from society. Just release them to the real mother's out there.

    10. My heart goes out to this child but at least he is now pain free and in a better place. For everyone that is commenting that his mother should be "tortured", what makes you any better than her for wanting to cause harm to another human being? I too feel heartbroken by the way this poor innocent child was treated but instead of wishing torture on his mother why can't we just pray for her. She will ultimately have to pay for what she has done, whether in life or death) and hopefully she gets herself right with God before her resting time.

    11. She has no soul! How can you hurt your own child and watch them suffer? I couldn't do that sort of thing to my dog let alone my kids. May that sweet little boy RIP!

    12. Watching now also, I am reading this and can see what she was up to in her crazy words. Makes me want to find blogs with women or men who have sick children looking for "sympothy", maybe we can help one child before this happens again. Who's with me?

    13. She is a lying murderous bitch. The judge should've thrown the book at her - not only for the death, but for the years of suffering she put that poor child through. I hope she is beaten routinely by the other inmates, and that she doesn't get out of jail until she's gone through menopause. A demented woman like her will try and breed again if she's given the chance. She needs to be locked up well into her 50's and beyond.

    14. I just watch the program too.. i'm so beyond heart broken!! I'm just 18 but i'm a mom too, my son is 2 years old. My son had a seizure once due to very high fever i couldn't control and i nearly die!! I can't.. i just don't understand how she did that to this GOURGEOUS boy..

  4. So 'daddy blake' died, then 'owie' died then Garnett died? Wtf.....

    1. right. they need to investigate daddy blakes death

    2. There was no daddy Blake. She made him up.

    3. yeah i saw that. imaginary men to go right along with imaginary illness. shes insane

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This article says Blake is not Garnett's bio dad. Something is so fishy here (duh).


    1. yeah. there is no blake. this woman is insane. i see a lifetime movie in the future...

  7. At first I was hoping you get the death penalty but now I hope you rot In jail forever and are made to toss big fat salad for like 60 years and that be the only form of love and affection you ever see ever again. How crazy are you I hope you read this. As the parent of an actual child with a struggle you should always red flag people blogging about it. I would never, maybe my daughter can if she wants when she is old enough. But when the parent does it its obviously fucked. I hope you burn for this this is so sad.

  8. Telling someone to kill themselves does not make you any better. I understand you're upset but wishing suicide on someone is sick.

  9. Wow. Cussing someone out on the internet. That is a GREAT way to get your point across! I'll do as you say oh-so-scary stranger. Pffttt.

  10. "As the parent of an actual child with a struggle you should always red flag people blogging about it." So you're allowed to do that but as someone whose loved one died by suicide, I cannot call people out for telling people to jump off a bridge? Good to know. Double standards, gotta love em ;)

  11. I hope you have your baby-making parts removed and you live the rest of your life with remorse and regret.

  12. GoldenNoel , why?? wait for a trial it isn't sure she did this is it

    1. Salt bags were found at her home according to the news.

  13. Awful to see photos of a little boy,subjected to major child abuse by his mother for the purpose of be used as a tool to gain attention in her pretend online life.
    It's good you'll be in prison for your long, lonely life .No sympathy Child Killer ...

  14. Did you kill him because you secretly wanted a little girl or something?

    1. Weird, right. And the pacifier???

    2. The pacifier to keep "her" busy sucking instead of talking. So sad.

  15. I'm sorry that you lost a loved one to suicide. But some people do not deserve the life they've been given. This woman murdered her innocent child. She does not deserve to be on this earth anymore. The courts will find her Susan Smith style crazy and give her life in prison where she'll receive a life much better than America's poor receives. That doesn't seem fair to me. So yes, Ms. Spears, go jump off a bridge.

  16. Death is too good for this thing. I hope it lives a long, long life and suffers greatly every day for what she did.

  17. This is the blog she was "trying to get attention on"? With 2 posts in 3 years? And no mention of his illnesses?

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking! She took her son's life for this?! Poor kid. With a mother like that, I pray he is in a better place now. My heart breaks...he was such a cute little angel!

    2. i was wondering if i missed something. do you think she deleted some posts here? maybe her fb page was more detailed . it was where she posted his final hours online as well

    3. She was very active on facebook.

    4. She had three different blogs going on FaceBook at same time according to Web Of Lies. Perhaps FB chose to remove the others.

    5. She had three different blogs going on FaceBook at same time according to Web Of Lies. Perhaps FB chose to remove the others.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My heart is breaking for this beautiful little soul. I'm the single mom of 3 little boys this brought tears to my eyes. How just HOW could you hurt this baby? I hope karma comes swiftly for u and that angel Is at peace somewhere.

  20. This is just heart breaking!! Poor little boy! I lay here next to my five year old little boy and my heart just breaks! How could this have happened? Why didn't the hospital prevent her from being alone with him?? Poor baby.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. deleted by author, interesting. Lacey, I see you are still checking this from PRISON. You are very VERY sick. You don't deserve any help though, sorry. Garnett had no reason to die. He was not sick, except for when you made him that way. No mercy. He didn't have to die.

  22. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/06/18/woman-pleads-not-guilty-to-poisoning-her-5-year-old-son-to-death/

    And here we have a mother who poisoned her own child to get attention.

    She murdered him for facebook attention.

    humanity -1

  23. I'm a nurse, but even if i wasn't these pictures are soooo disturbing even if you don't know how it turned out. How old is this kid with pacifiers diapers and girlish style hair.
    Ugh. Freakishly disturbing.
    It said right in the articles that they have proof she administered Na through the Gtube.
    What a gorgeous child and a terrible waste.
    And I'm. REALLY PISSED OFF about the dog.

    1. The pacifier he is to old for, the diapers too..
      But why do people keep commenting on his hair? I know many many parents who dont cut their boys hair, they are usually hippies or naturalists..
      Its a very sad situation and this little boys deserved far better.

    2. Not cutting it is one thing, but this was obviously cut this way. It's the bangs that make the hairstyle appear feminine.

    3. What did she do to the dog? Was it killed too, since your angry about the dog?

    4. I think that she didn't cut his, not because she was a naturalist, but because she wanted Garnett to look like a little girl. Look at her hair, it's cut so short that when I first saw her on tv, I was confused because she looked like a man with a little girl.

    5. Yep, me too. No doubt she killed the dog too. She is where she belongs...in prison. Death would be too good for her. Unfortunately she only got 20 years. Not long enough! She will always be a danger!

  24. i found her myspace page


  25. I cant belive what see in the norweegan news that a mother like you kill your own son. How selfish can you be. If you didnt want have children then why u didnt adopt him . Shame on you. You have proved that what kind of mother you what kind of mother are you.

  26. Que Dieu ait pitié de toi.

  27. I cannot fathom how a mother can manipulate her child in this horrid way. How can you live every day thinking of what you've done? This boy is YOUR CHILD. He is not a toy, he is a human being. That means that you do not treat him around as a pawn to upgrade your internet life. You are supposed to care for him and love him. Why are you doing this? For your little fifteen minutes of fame? Trust me, the effects of this experiment of yours will be infamy, not fame. You will regret it. There is no turning back here.

    May the Lord have mercy on your pitiless soul.

    1. She didn't think of him as a child. He was just a prop that she used to get attention for herself. I'm curious to know if she had high number of"accidents" or "illnesses". I don't think that her attention seeking just started when Garnett was born.

  28. There goes my faith in humanity.

    1. I hate to say this, but your faith in humanity should have been gone long ago. I've learned to trust no one including family members. Such a

  29. This is heartbreaking.. i hope you to go to hades

  30. It's too bad that she didn't spend more time being a loving mother to
    her son and less time on Facebook.

  31. Obviously this whole case is just devastating. Its so sickening to think if she ever had the chance to read all these comments she would love eveey second of it.
    Reading about this little boy broke my heart. I'm holding my son a little closer tonight.
    As a mother I will never understand how any person, let alone a parent could ever intentionally hurt a innocent, defenseless child.
    I hope little Garnett rest is perfect paradise where nothing is ever able ti hurt him again. <3

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  36. Just feed her pretzels till she's dead.

  37. Did ya'll read about the mother who hurt her son by putting feces in his IV? The story came out the same week as this one. Sick, sick people who should never have been entrusted with these sweet children.

  38. What a sick rotten monster! How can you have this innocent angel suffer for God knows how long. This pictures make me sick to my stomach. By looking at this child's eyes it's easy to tell that there's something really wrong happening here. This baby has a look in his eyes like his soul is been crushed and he doesn't understand, he doesn't know he's an innocent baby! So sad. And it was subtle enough that noone could have call it before it was too late. So weird taking about "G and me" "Me and G" killing him, little by little. He came out of you, he was part of you. I cannot understand. The thought of anything happening to my baby gives my this horrible pain in my chest I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack. He was a baby you monster. Worrying about what others think and trying to manipulate others. Look now!!! Look what others think of you.

  39. Best comment on here by far and totally fxxxxx up but hey I laughed when I read it lol

  40. I too have a loved one who committed suicide a little over a year ago, and I still want this bitch to jump off a bridge. So...the two things have no bearing on one another.

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  44. This is awfully sick. I feel so bad for the family who cared for and loved this precious boy.
    What an evil, evil person Lacey is. I hope she is punished for eternity.
    I can't imagine hurting my children or even thinking of such horrific things to do to gain attention.
    I am so sorry for the little boy's grandparents, father and any other family members and friends.

    RIP little Garnett.

  45. You're right. Most prisoners don't like this kind of evil monster.


  47. You murdering beatch! I am looking at these photographs. As a mother who lost a son and suffered every day for nearly 10 years PRAYING TO GOD he would survive and overcome his issues and I would not lose him, it beyond sickens me to see somebody take a perfectly healthy child and posion his little body like you did to this beautiful little boy. He had a whole life ahead of him and you robbed him from it.

    Your life getting taken from you isn't mearly enough for what you have stolen from the world. You are disgusting, and when the world is through with you honey, just wait and see what is in store as your eternal punishment. Nothing is going to be worse than that, and you can't be saved. Not someone as sick as you! I'm appauled and disgusted beyoind words. I wish I could have known you enough to have taken that boy away from your evil hands and into my own home where he would have been loved. RIP Garnett. Justice will revail!

    So so so sad.



  48. Looks like a case of munchausen syndrome by proxy

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  51. why? why would she do this? : (

  52. The whole story is a fabrication www.fakeologist.com

  53. Facebook , social media can be an evil tool used by evil demonic people ! Let's all be very vigilant and help and rescue the suffering children !!

  54. There may be many more out there doing such to innocent children . Be vigilant and help asap!

  55. She is hell - bound. Her life is over now and I'm eternity .
    My heart breaks when I know someone had suffered all five years alone with this demon but no one can rescue him ! Why !??

  56. Her life is "over now and in eternity"

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  69. Aaaand she kills him.

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  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I just watched Web Of Lies,telling the whole disgusting story of this detestable, wicked little girl. 20 years wasn't enough as far as I'm concerned. Wow.

    1. Amen! 👏👏👏 I'm absolutely disgusted with this story.

    2. Amen! 👏👏👏 I'm absolutely disgusted with this story.

    3. Same here. I'm literally sick to my stomach. How could someone murder someone else? especially an innocent child?

  79. May that little boy find peace now in the arms of the true comforter.

  80. May that little boy find peace now in the arms of the true comforter.

  81. I just watched Web Of Lies,telling the whole disgusting story of this detestable, wicked little girl. 20 years wasn't enough as far as I'm concerned. Wow.

  82. So sad that so many people look up to what you say. Anyone with sense would google you and realize you not only slandered your dad's name but also murdered your innocent child. Shame on you.

  83. I'm watching it on Web of Lies right now and I'm beyond disgusted. That poor child did NOT ask to be brought into this world. They should've done unto her as she done unto that baby!! 20 years is a slap on the damn wrist!

  84. Just watched "Web Of Lies" and am HORRIFIED like everyone else! Reading thru the posts on here it hecame very apparent that "Owie" wasnt with them very long....did she kill the dog as well? Very strange to just gloss over how he "moved onward" after sharing Garnetts love for him and then POOF! Hes gone. Hope someone looks into it just to clarify.

    1. Thats what I thought too! I was just wondering about the poor dog when I saw your comment!

  85. My 1 yr old daughter just was staring at me after watching this Web of lies I was crying historically. That poor poor baby boy. I looked at some of her twitter where she had actually wrote that her life would be nothing without that child. Unreal. This is heart breaking. What kind of person could do such things? Breaks my heart.

  86. How, how, why, would you do this to him. I don't understand. You are mean and a hateful woman. God this makes me so mad. I hope karma gets to you asap. You don't deserve to live either but you will get what you deserve. If you didn't want Garnett why kill him, you could of gave him to someone who actually cared and loved him more than you ever did. You are a sick woman gosh I could go on and on about this but it's just a waste of my time. Rest in peace sweet boy.

  87. You are sick and twisted. I truly hope you get what you deserve. That poor child didn't have a chance. Smh. I hope you enjoy your 15 minutes of shame. Hope she never sees the light of day again!! She's right where she deserves to be and I hope she's getting hell for what she did to this poor innocent child.

  88. Why does everyone try to post to this lady now? She can't read any of your posts, because she's in prison.

  89. Why does everyone try to post to this lady now? She can't read any of your posts, because she's in prison.

  90. Yesterday night I watched dicovery ID and I watched garret story , I couldn't sleep all night long! What a monster and bad soul his mother was! It is unthinkable it is so cruel and the most disgusting thing I ever saw on tv! Her child from day 1 was suffering from his mother for 5 years ...
    Garnett I hope you're mother get the ultimate death and suffers for eternity after her death too into hell!
    Rest in peace baby boy I don't know you and I didn't ever know you but your face will stay forever in my mind and heart !!!

  91. Munchhausen by proxy is not a real disease. I went thru similar experience w NY baby starting in 2o78. I WA also a single mim. My son did the projectile vomiting and constant ear infections. Also skin turning blotchy with orange spot all was sequelae from dot vaccine, all now documented but original pediatricians not helpful. Medical records can cost $8 per page. Mds are not psychiatrists.

  92. Munchhausen by proxy is not a real disease. I went thru similar experience w NY baby starting in 2o78. I WA also a single mim. My son did the projectile vomiting and constant ear infections. Also skin turning blotchy with orange spot all was sequelae from dot vaccine, all now documented but original pediatricians not helpful. Medical records can cost $8 per page. Mds are not psychiatrists.

  93. Munchhausen by proxy is not a real disease. I went thru similar experience w NY baby starting in 2o78. I WA also a single mim. My son did the projectile vomiting and constant ear infections. Also skin turning blotchy with orange spot all was sequelae from dot vaccine, all now documented but original pediatricians not helpful. Medical records can cost $8 per page. Mds are not psychiatrists.

  94. I don't think she murdered her son. Mine is 38 now, but we spent the first 4 years of his life with failure to thrive, ear infections and not eating, this was a documented reaction to pertussis vaccine. I believe her.

  95. I hope you fucking die in jail, you get murdered by an inmate and you suffer like garnett did, but that Will not be possible ! Fucking bitch, Your son would just hate you, and now he knows....

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  97. That picture with the zippi cup.. i wonder how much salt was in it omg.. rot in hell

  98. Sick murderous bitch she was. I'm watching Web of Lies ep about her. I can't even look at these pics without crying, it's sooooo sad. RIP sweet angel

  99. Evil bitch.. I hope when your being raped with a broom stick in Prison. That you get a fucking splinter in your pussy, that causes internal bleeding.. And that you die!!

  100. Ninjalover said it right. Asides from having an extremely annoying demeanour and way of talking, you are absolutely insane. Death penalty please

  101. What the hell is wrong with you? I'm horrified. I'm crying. This poor, poor child.nso beautiful and innocent. How can you torture your own son for 5 years? Why involve him in your sick game. Your a psychopath to the core. I can NEVER wrap my head around your sick, sick mind. Why couldn't you stick to your rape stories? Your terrible. Your going to hell.

  102. اقوى اعمال تسويق فقط نقدمها لكم من شركة سوقنى التى تعمل دائما على تطوير المواقع فى محرك البحث جوجل
    للمزيد تابعونا عبر الموقع الالكترونى

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    للمزيد من المعلومات حول الخط الساخن الخاص بنا تابعونا على الفور

  104. اذا كنت مجبرا على الانتقال من مكان لاخر بحكم عملك او ما شابه ذلك كل ما علبك هو التواصل الفورى مع شركة الاخلاص والامانة التى تضم عددا مذهلا من العمال الذين يقومون بفك الاثاث وربطه فهى رائدة شركات نقل عفش مكة بالمزيد من الخبرات والمهارات
    للمزيد من المعلومات تابعونا على الفور

  105. ترقبوا مؤسسة العنود التى لديها المزيد من الخصومات على اعمال التنظيف ونقل الاثاث فشركة العنود ليست شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة فحسب بل هى الاهم فى السعودية لما لديها من افكار وخطط فى كافة اعمال التنظيف مختلفة
    للمزيد من المعلومات تابعونا على الفور

  106. تابعوا معنا شركة كاريير والتى تقدم افخم ما لديها من قطع غيار فى اقرب مركز من مراكز صيانة كاريير المعتمدة فى مصر للمزيد من المعلومات تابعونا على الفور

  107. شركة مزايا من كبرى الشركات الاماراتية التى تقدم لعملائها المفاجات المختلفة فى اعمال التنظيف من مكافحة الحشرات وباقى اعمال التنظيف للسيراميك والرخام وغيرها

  108. ترقبوا جميع عروض مركز النور للحصول على معادلة هندسة والتى تقدمها باختبارات ولا اسهل لضمان النجاح واللحاق بكلية الهندسة
    للمزيد تابعونا على الفور

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  112. كل ما تريده من الخدمات الكبيرة والاعمال المميزة فى الكثير من الاعمال الرائعة والكثير من الخصومات المميزة فى صيانة فريجيدير اعمال رائعة وخصومات كبيرة نقد
    نقدمها اليكم الان من على موقعنا صيانة توشيبا الرائع والمتميز فى اعمال الصيانات المميزة

  113. الكثير من الخدمات الرائعة والخصومات الكبيرة فى تجهيزات مطاعم تجدوها الان من على موقعنا لدينا افضل الخصومات الكبيرة والرائعة التى نقدمها اليكم فى تجهيزات فنادق خصومات كبيرة جدا نقدمها اليكم

  114. Fuckiing bitch.... Fuck you forever motherfucker.... You deserve to suffer every single day.... Torture for you motherfucker

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  116. That poor baby. A mother has to be mentally ill to ever hurt her child. You caused him so much pain.

  117. That poor baby. A mother has to be severely mentally ill to ever hurt her child. You caused him so much pain.

  118. this site screwed up on me, management checked the tapes and this event never happened. She was fired.
    It came to light later on that she also has schizophrenia. A few months ago she told her sister she was pregnant. Her sister told us the news but all of us including her sister were sad about this for we all know "A" would not be a good mother or example to follow. As well as the issues the baby could inherit. About 4 weeks later we ran into her sister again, she felt that "A" was lying about the pregnancy, for the sake of the baby we hoped she was lying about it too. Haven't heard any updates. With all the meds she is on there doesn't seem to be anything to help with the constant lying. With Lacey's family knowing the issues she had in fabricating stories you would have thought they would have kept a closer eye on Garnett but I guess they never dreamed she would do something like this. Her lies won't get her far in prison that's for sure.

  119. Cripes the first part of my blog didn't get published for some reason.
    So in a nutshell Web of Lies aired again tonight with Lacey's story. My heart goes out to Garnett and what he had to endure, too bad blood tests weren't done when he was an infant as if she was caught then he would be alive.
    My daughter had a friend in the neighbourhood who had a lot of problems : ADHD, OCD, ODD and an habitual liar. I sometimes would see her playing on my porch talking to no one. She would be having a conversation like someone was there. It was strange. She got a job in a pet store, one day told her boss that some creepy guy came in, followed her offering her wine.

    Now read blog above.

  120. Did anyone notice on web if lies she sais her father sexually abused her and the baby was her own fathers? You guys missed that one. This woman is sickening.

  121. “کولیس “ کولیس در سال 1394 با هدف ایجاد بستری مناسب جهت افزایش فروش فروشگاه ها و نیز افزایش رضایت و آگاهی خریداران, فعالیت خود را آغاز نمود.

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    با پیوستن به کولیس میتوانید ضمن آگاهی از قیمت گوشی (قیمت موبایل), قیمت ساعت, قیمت روز لپ تاپ, قیمت ادکلن و... از مزایای خرید اینترنتی (خرید آنلاین) بهره مند شده و یا فروشگاه اینترنتی خود از قبیل فروشگاه اینترنتی لباس (فروشگاه اینترنتی پوشاک), فروشگاه ساعت, فروشگاه لوازم خانگی و... را راه اندازی نمایید.

    از جمله اطلاعات فروشگاه های اینترنتی ارایه شده در کولیس میتوان به فروشگاه دیجیکالا(دیجی کالا), گوشی شاپ, فروشگاه اینترنتی جوره, زنبیل, چاره, بامیلو و ... اشاره کرد.

    امید است گامهای هر چند کوچک ما, فضای خدمات و کسب و کار مطلوبتری را برای شما فراهم سازد.

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  123. The interview with her was chilling... No tears, just quick talking and anger. That isn't how someone behaves when their child dies by accident... that's how someone guilty acts.

  124. Did anyone else notice the bruises on his face that she tried to hide in some of these pictures? Sick.

  125. Olha o que essa louca assassina fazia com o garoto. Deixava seu cabelo crescer e o prendia como se fosse uma menina....

  126. Olha o que essa louca assassina fazia com o garoto. Deixava seu cabelo crescer e o prendia como se fosse uma menina....

  127. تعلن شركة العنود اقوي شركة تنظيف رخام مكة عن اقوي عروضها في التنظيف لكبري الشركات والمصانع المتواجدة بمكة والمملكة العربية السعودية.

  128. الان من خلال اقوي شركات الجلي بمكة تستطيع الحصول علي افضل التنظيفات للسيراميك والرخام في مكة المكرمة والمملكة العربية السعودية بأكملها .

  129. تابعوا خدمة عملاء كاريير ليصلكم كل جديد بالنسيبة لافضل الخصومات والعروض المقدمة من صيانة كاريير الخط الساخن في مصر.
